Saturday, March 17, 2012

Nevada Poem

Nevada Poem

in a dark dark world of inky black-blues
the ground is hard and unyielding underfoot
the brushy vegetation prickly with frost
a tiny crack of warmth incubates in the east
a lip of light appears
it drinks away the dark like it has not drank in years
the undertow turns the blue blacks to shades of gray and purple
time is suspended as the world flails its way into a new day

and then more slowly than you can detect
yet faster than you realize
the most vibrant colors you've ever imagined
begin to creep up the eastern sky
like an immense edgeless banner being raised
like water slowly seeping up a paper coffee filter

here there is nothing for Aurora to filter her rosy fingers through
they shoot unbound into the world as she unlocks the gates of day
her pastel aura shimmers on the horizon
as she whips her hair around going about her work
I see wisps of pink and yellow and blue
day is clearly upon the great basin - the gates are open
Helios gathers his reigns and yanks sharply - ready to ride
horses and chariot charge forward, bringing light and possibility

the grayish purple is thrust upward and outward
into a clear blue purple like how your tongue
looks when you've had blue candy
a pink brighter than any neon sign
quickly follows like a firework violently expanding
the undertow still pulls my soul toward the horizon

then orange so bright and thick I think
I would like to dip my fingers in it
there! the great orb shimmers apparently unsupported
the sun's entourage expands before it dissipates
into a cool clear cloudless azure blue
A fan of light slowly falls down to the earth
an new wave of life splashes down into the basin
I assume the vitruvian man so as to absorb every bit of sun

you can keep your beaches and your sunsets
your tropical dreams and your green green trees
if you don't think what I have described
is the most beautiful thing you ever laid eyes on
I can only surmise
that you have never seen a desert sunrise.

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